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You went to Caserta and didn't go to Pastiche across the street??!! BEST. DESSERTS. EVER.

As for Caserta...I currently live in Newport (i've lived in RI for the past 8 years), but I'm originally from NY and I just can't buy their best pizza ever claim - I know plenty of RIers who swear by them, but to me it just tastes like glorified Elios. I am still on the hunt for a good pizza place in RI


Thanks for the great post. One of the things I look forward to each time I return to Newport is the food.

I have my guilty pleasures too, including Flo's Clamshack, Nikolas Pizsa and Ben's Chili Dogs. The Creamery and Frosty Freeze are great spots too.

Creative Recreation

Just shows that writing by way of knowledge brings so a lot depth and relevance to types readers. Thank you for sharing.

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