After a brutally hot, unrelenting Summer, temps have finally cooled down to a chilly 64 degrees. If you live in Southern California that basically means it's time to break out the UGGs and scarves.
And, when it comes to Your Next Bite, it's time to warm your soul with a bowl of hot creamy goodness.
Here's a list of Soups to slurp on from classic Tomato to Fall favorite Butternut Squash.
The Grubdown:
Doughboys - Beverly/The Grove area in LA
- sweet 'n creamy, After School Special Grilled Cheese Sandwich & Tomato Soup
Little Next Door - Santa Monica in LA
- string cheesy, crunchy onions, classic French Onion Soup
Port Restaurant & Bar - Corona del Mar in OC
- must order, creamy, nutty, feathered texture, sweet 'n savory herb, Butternut Squash Soup with Creme Fraiche & Parsley
Enjoy the cold front while it lasts!