As the end of summer is drawing near and the kids are going back to school, it's time to celebrate one of our greatest confections – the Toasted Marshmallow.
It's ooey, it's gooey, it's puffy, it's fluffy, it's sticky, it's sweet, and hopefully has just the right amount of toastiness.
Whether you like Marshmallow as a topping on pie, as a sauce in dessert, or in its natural state, here's where to celebrate "National Toasted Marshmallow Day" this Wednesday from LA to OC.
The Grubdown:
- sweet pecan & chocolate, Missouri Mud Simple Pie
Pizzeria Mozza, LA + OC
- like Italian Cracker Jacks on crack, fluffy 'n salty caramel dream, Caramel Copetta with Marshmallow Sauce & Salted Spanish Peanuts
Taco Maria, Costa Mesa (OC)
- soft 'n bouncy with spicy cinnamon, Mignardise Marshmallows with Mexican Chocolate
- chocolate dusted, still marshmallowey flavor with micro-mini chocolate chips, Chocolate Chipetta Plush Puffs
Happy Toasted Marshmallow Day!